Sine Waves (Variations on OneSecond), 2024, 35mm, 1125 frames
Untitled (Neural Networks) is a series of experimental large format photograms and abstract 35mm films (started in 2018) that trace, explore and investigate the structural conditions of what constitutes a photographic image and its use in today’s networked image regimes. I consider the intersection of the fields of artificial intelligence and neuroscience as profoundly pertinent to the understanding of how technical images operate today.
Untitled (Neural Networks, nn_oxb), 2020
The 1,440-frame-long film has been made with a score generated by an artificial neural network and coded in Python. The film explores the idea of an externalization of the cognitive instance that occurs through the advent of artificial intelligence, and the recursive principles it relies on: through the flicker, the work resonates and interferes with the very system that initially has constituted the model for its own structure: the Nervous System.
Untitled (Neural Network, nn_oxb), 2020
Untitled (Neural Network), 2020 35mm, 1440 frames
Untitled (New York Studio), 2024, gelatin silver print, 5x7"
Density Test #11 (0.03, 0.43, 1.10, 1.37, 1.57, 1.73 - on Kodak 2302, 35mm), 2024, gelatin silver print, 5x7"
Berlin Studio, “Untitled (Neural Networks, nn_oxb/1)” 35mm film (1140 frames, 6 greys), first version, Berlin, 2019, gelatin silver print, 5 x 7 in.
Light Reflection on Water(the Seine), Paris, 2021, gelatin silver print, 5 x 7 in.
For Untitled (Neural Network, nn_oxb/eeg_FD) the rhythmic stimuli generated by the initial neural network film Untitled(Neural Network, nn_oxb/1, 2020) serve as an input signal to the viewer in order to induce an output signal in the form of a physiological reaction that is then recorded via Electroencephalography.
Electrophysiological experiments have shown that the neurons in the visual cortex tend to fire in coordinated patterns (synchronize) when exposed to a specific visual stimulus, essentially aligning their activity to the characteristics of the presented stimulus. Synchronization often manifests as rhythmic oscillations in neuronal activity, these recorded neural oscillations are subsequently transposed into numerical series that are then processed via Matlab/Fieldtrip and used to compose a new film.
Untitled(Neural Network, nn_oxb/eeg_FD), 2024
Untitled (Neural Network, nnoxb/eegFD), 2024 35mm, 1440 frames
Untitled (Furen Dai with a wearable EEG headset), 2024, gelatin silver print, 5x7”
Untitled (Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour), Nijmegen, 2024, gelatin silver print, 5 x 7 in.
Untitled (Guus’Car), Eindhoven, 2020, gelatin silver print, 5 x 7 in.
The Seine, Paris, 2021, gelatin silver print, 5 x 7 in.
Untitled, Eindhoven, 2020, gelatin silver print, 5 x 7 in.
Untitled (Dan), New York, 2019, gelatin silver print, 5 x 7 in.
Untitled (Neural Network, nn_3d/7), 2019
Untitled (Neural Networks, nn_3d/7), 2019, Photogram on gelatin silver print, 63 x 101 cm (unframed), 86 x 122 cm (framed)
Untitled (Neural Networks, nn_3d) is a series of large-format black-and-white grid-like images that are generated by a neural network, a program I have coded in Python to process data that simulates how neurons in the brain connect. The data sets (MNIST)entered into the program in the form of numerical series alter the relations between the artificial neurons. These are subsequently transposed into matrixes and rendered into pixels by an animated sequence, which is then exposed to photo-paper, letting the neural network take over the distribution of shadow and light for the photogram to be made. The photogram holds a crucial place in my photographic practice, standing in a metonymical relation to my work as a whole: it functions as a metonym for an inquiry into method, it marks the experimental nature of my practice, and it maps the system of indexical relations which, at various levels from the physical to the conceptual, constitute the image.
Index / An Attempt At A Personal Epistemology With The Help Of A Cardfile As A Generative Mechanism (excerpt), Brussels, 2009
Untitled (Prototype #6, 2019), Berlin, 2020, gelatin silver print, 5 x 7 in.
Rotating Square, Berlin, 2019, gelatin silver print, 5 x 7 in.
Water Lilies in Concrete Pool, Los Angeles, 2016, gelatin silver print, 5 x 7in.
Photogram with Crystal, Leipzig, 2015, Photogram on gelatin silver print, 5 x 7 in.
Snejanka and the Crystal, Leipzig, 2014, gelatin silver print, 5 x 7 in.
Peter Kubelka, Breakfast As A Cosmic Event